Free resources to help your personal growth
This section is dedicated to exploring the transformative power of yoga and how it can help you to make meaningful changes in your life. We'll be exploring topics such as how yoga can help you to cultivate self-awareness, reduce stress, increase physical strength and flexibility, and build a healthier relationship with your body. We'll also discuss the spiritual aspects of yoga, including the benefits of meditation, breathing movement and mantras.
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Yoga Poses for Anxiety & Stress
Find here some poses, breathing techniques and affirmations that will help you to bring calmness, quietness, and clarity to mind. Challenge yourself! Find peace, focus and purpose.
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Bridging the Gap: Aligning with the Life of Your Dreams
In each of us, there exists a gap between where we are and where we’d like to be. We may envision a life of inner peace, confidence, and fulfillment, but daily actions often seem at odds with these ideals. This space between our wishes and our reality can be a source of frustration, and even sadness, because deep down, we know we’re capable of more. But why do we stay stuck? And how do we begin to shift?

Finding Joy in Everyday Life: Tips to Shifting Perspectives and Cultivating Happiness
The transition from a relaxing holiday back to work can often leave us feeling overwhelmed and drained, making it seem like we're entering a cycle of monotony and unhappiness. While changing jobs or embarking on major life journeys might not be feasible for everyone, there are practical steps you can take.

Encontrar Força Interior Através do Yoga
Desde cedo na minha vida ouvi a frase “corpo são em mente sã”. Que um não pode estar bem se o outro estiver mal.
Cresci a acreditar que mover o corpo é tão importante para o equilíbrio e para a saúde como comer de forma correta. …

Introducing Sadhana Into Your Daily Life
Sadhana means daily spiritual practice. Whether you are a yoga teacher or a dedicated practitioner, cultivating and sustaining the habit of daily practice is an integral part of moving from “doing” yoga to being yoga, allowing it to permeate your life, to move from the mat into every aspect of your existence.

The Importance of Yoga for our Core
This month is dedicated to the core, your center, your ‘powerhouse’ as Joseph Pilates is said to have called it, and hence, so much more than just strong abs. In physical terms it includes your diaphragm, abdominal and oblique muscles, paraspinal and gluteal muscles, pelvic floor and hip girdle…

Os Benefícios do Yoga em Tempos de Pandemia
Mesmo se nunca pensou em fazê-lo, esta pode ser a altura certa para começar a praticar yoga, nem que seja online. A Miranda falou com Cristina Dionísio, professora de yoga, sobre este ensinamento milenar que ajuda a equilibrar corpo, mente e alma, aliviando o stress e os seus sintomas

Em Tempo de Incertezas, Abrir o Coração
Já alguma vez esteve num daqueles momentos em que, por uma razão ou por outra, não é capaz de responder a uma pergunta direta com uma resposta simples? Infelizmente, este género de situações acontecem frequentemente. O simples parece complicado e torna-se um tormento.